Picture taken at Tongariro Alpine Crossing in New Zealand (AKA Modor)

I am living proof.. One can simply walk into Mordor!

Hi, I’m Cinda! Since I Was A Small Child, I’ve Been Sensitive To The Visible And The Invisible Worlds.

Being highly sensitive has been a blessing and a curse. In many ways it started out a curse because I didn’t understand what was happening, and at that time there wasn’t much information available about being psychic, Medium..or clairvoyant.. etc… which led me on an adventurous path to gain that knowledge!

I have traveled to over 20 countries, on at least 65 international trips, collecting information and tools from the invisible world and beyond. I am grateful that I made the difficult choice to follow spirits (inner) voice in my life rather than the voices around me.

Working in agreement with the spirit world, has allowed me to follow a synchronistic path, where opportunities have an opened before me, that have gone beyond my wildest imaginations!

I have always had a deep passion to connect with my Divine Source /God/Inner Being/Highest Intelligence, I have worked to hone all of my divine latent abilities. Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentient… all of these and more come through connection to that divine source.

Over the years I’ve studied energy healing, as a practitioner and a teacher. This included working the chakra system and much more.

Recently I have been diving into Sacred Sanskrit, Yoga Teacher Training (200 YTT Certified) and Yoga Nidra. Unlocking the unconscious mind and resolving body memory is my latest passion!

I am a Certified Angel Tarot reader and love teaching the art! So much knowledge was stored in a simple playing deck… otherwise much of it would have been lost in the coming ‘modern’ era. It is time to bring these ancient secrets back for humanity.

Of all that has happened in my life, the realization that divinity itself was reaching out to guide and assist me along the path, showing a direction, Is the greatest gift Ihave ever received! This has completely changed my perspective on life itself. I will be forever grateful that I surrendered to higher knowledge.

I will continue to find new tools in order to reach and maintain a higher frequency vibration…and above all reconnecting to nature and all she has to offer ❤️

“Cinda truly loves what she does and has a real gift! Our session together was very revealing; scarily accurate! The information shared guides me to better understand my life. Straight forward, superb, HIGHLY RECOMMEND!”


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.